I am a curator, occasional writer and educator, but also a big-time administrator in my role as Director of UKS – Unge KunstneresSamfund/Young Artists’ Society (Oslo, Norway), an exhibition space for contemporary art and membership organisation founded by artists for artists in 1921. At UKS I was most recently part of a working group that decided to end UKS’s longstanding solo exhibition programme and I am currently working on an exhibition model that allows for overlapping showings and that is collaborative and experimental in its curatorial and artistic processes. 

As a director, I am preoccupied with building and sustaining spaces that promote institutional care and equality, and how these practices can be anchored in the institution rather than in the individuals that practice it. Part of this ongoing work was the creation of the UKS Care Rider, inspired by the work of Staci Bu Shea and modelled after the riders on the website Access Docs For Artists. This institutional anchoring of care practices has routed my interests towards the idea of infrastructure - both concrete and political -with the hope of amending some of care’s conceptual and practical shortcomings.

Previously, I was Artistic Director at Hotel Maria Kapel, an artist-in-residence and exhibition space in the town of Hoorn (Netherlands). As part of the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, a self-organised curatorial and publishing platform for planetary survival, I co-curated the 2020 biennial Alt_Cph: Patterns in Resistance (Copenhagen, Denmark), translated and published Hydrofeminism: Or, On Becoming a Body of Water by Astrida Neimanis, and curated exhibitions and other stuff. I am an alumnus of De Appel Curatorial Programme and I have previously worked with organisations such as If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to be Part of Your Revolution – dedicated to exploring the evolution and typology of performance and performativity in contemporary art – the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (all Amsterdam, Netherlands) and in my native Denmark, Nikolaj Kunsthal (Copenhagen), Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (Humlebæk). I spent many years working in art education, including at the National Gallery of Denmark – SMK (Copenhagen, Denmark) and ARKEN Museum for Modern Art (Ishøj, Denmark) and learning, both personally and as a curatorial strategy, is still very close to my heart.